
6488m icon of Eastern Himalayas


    Mt Gorichen, also known as Gorichen Peak or Gorichen Massif, stands as a formidable icon of the Eastern Himalayas, nestled in the heart of the stunning state of Arunachal Pradesh, India.

    Rising to an impressive height of approximately 6488 meters (21,325 feet), these majestic peak commands attention with its snow-capped summit and rugged terrain, offering a challenge and adventure to even the most seasoned mountaineers.

    Climbing Mt Gorichen presents a formidable challenge, with its steep slopes, unpredictable weather, and technical climbing sections. The most commonly used route to ascend the peak is the Northwest Ridge, which offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and glaciers. However, climbers must navigate crevasses, icefalls, and challenging rock sections, making it a demanding endeavor that requires both skill and determination.

    who can


    Climbing Mt.Gorichen requires prior experience of climbing mountains. It is equal t to any other 7000mtr peaks in India. One must have experience in climbing of high-altitude, involving excellent physical fitness, technical proficiency, perseverance to endure harsh weather conditions, and the ability to cope of with other members of the team

    To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of pre-requisites that are required to climb Mount Gorichen:

    Physical Fitness:
    Climbers looking for climbing Mount Gorichen in Arunachal are expected to have an exceptional level of physical fitness. Consistent, structured training specific to mountaineering over a period of several months will be an absolute requirement.

    Mountaineering Experience:
    Climbers must have a substantial amount of mountaineering experience to take part in this climb. We prefer climbers who have already climbed a few peaks in the 5000m-6000m and at least one above 6000m peak. This ensures that the climber is well experienced and aware of all the finer aspects of mountaineering like the technical know-how (Rock, Snow & Ice), camping proficiency, and ability to stay & perform for weeks together in a high altitude environment.

    Please check out our ‘Training’ page for custom programs for your climbs.


    Arrival at Dirang

    Renting equipment, packing and team briefing

    Move to New Melling

    Acclimatization at 9000ft

    Move to Mago Road Head camp.

    Move to Intermediate Camp at 13,100ft

    Load ferry to Intermediate Camp at 14,000ft

    Move to IBC-II 14,000ft

    load ferries to Base Camp

    Shift to Base Camp

    Day 18-20 | Load ferry to Glacier Camp (Camp-1

    Day 21 | Shift to Camp – 1

    Route opening, and load ferry to summit camp.

    Shift to summit camp

    Summit attempt and back to Camp-1.

    Return to base camp

    Return to Jethang

    Return to Newmelling

    Return to Dirang

    Enquire Here!

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      Safety is the highest priority in our expeditions. When we say safety, we just don’t mean climbing. Right from the food you eat at our camps, to all the tiny pieces of rope & hardware, & our mountain/expedition guides are the best in class. All these will ensure the safest climbing experience.

      Guide / Sherpa

      Our Mountain Guides are of the finest in the region. They form the backbone of all our expeditions. Highly experienced, they bring all of it to your table, so that you’ll enjoy the best of climbing experience on the big mountains.


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      Honestly, it’s an open secret that the above two aspects of safety and hospitality have been propelling our clients to the top of every summit. With over 90 summits to Everest and another 200 summits covering all the 7-Summits, we let the numbers speak our success.

      Base Camp Services

      Our base camp services across the globe are unrivaled! For us, a base camp is a “Home away from home”. Whether you’re from the west or the east, we ensure that we serve you your native food on a daily basis. With a host of custom packages to choose from, we’re certain that you will not miss the comfort of your home!


      Exclusive Doctor

      An experienced high altitude medical doctor is always with us during every expedition to Mt.Everest. He/she is always available at the Base Camp/ Advanced Base Camp for any medical related concern, however small the condition is. Well, in the mountains it’s the small things that matter the most!


      Weather Forecast

      The weather plays the single most important factor on your probability of reaching the summit. We have 3 independent weather forecasts from the most reliable weather forecasters that ensure that we pick the most safest weather window for your summit attempt.

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