Transcend Adventures

Join us to scale the magnificent heights of Mount Cho Oyu. We're Ready.

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Expeditions In Transcend Adventures

Mount Gorichen

6488m icon of Eastern Himalayas

Mt. Shishapangma

8012m located in the central Himalayas

Mount Cho Oyu

8,201m is the world’s sixth highest mountain

Why to

Choose Transcend Adventures?


When we say Safety, we just don’t mean climbing. Right from the food you eat at our camps, to every tiny piece of rope & hardware, & our Sherpa guides are the best in class. All these will ensure a safest climbing experience.

Guide / Sherpa

Our Mountain Guides are of the finest in the region. They form the backbone of all our expeditions. Highly experienced, they bring all possibilities to your table, so that you’ll enjoy the best of climbing experience on the mountains.


Our in-house expert panel of mountaineers screen you in all aspects: Physical, mental, medical, technical know-how and then prepare a detailed report of where you stand. Based on that we put you through a road map.

2000 +
Empowered in Adventure
1000 +
Mountaineers Trained
Himalayan Summits
On Kilimanjaro & 7-Summits
Everest Summits

Expedition Testimonials

Anand Kumar Sadhanapally Climbed Mt.Everest In 2014

Transcend Adventures took care of my entire training and preparation when I had climbed Mt.Everest in 2014. The attention to detail they have given in the training phase made sure that I did not have any ‘surprise’ experience during the actual climb.

I personally feel that they are the best to offer mountaineering training for beginners who wish to climb big mountains

Poorna Malavath Youngest Girl in the world to climb Mt.Everest (2074)

It's too hard for me sum up in words, how Transcend Adventures was-has-will be part of my life. Honestly, this is where my journey into the mountains has begun and still continuing. I am most comfortable and safe, each time I do an expedition with Transcend Adventures. The best thing about climbing with Transcend Adventures are the hospitality arrangements. I never miss my steamed rice and pickle, while on an expedition!"

Prabakaran S First officer from the Indian Forest Service to climb Everest (2016)

Transcend Adventures is the go-to expedition outfitter if you have to climb 8000m peaks. The training that they offer is like no other.

Yes, at times they make you train very hard, but in the end, it's all worth it. Their team right from Admin to on-ground personnel are very knowledgeable and carry a lot of experience.